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    Best Way to Compare PEOs

    Best way to compare PEOs – additional information

    ThePEOPeople has been comparing PEOs for years, and the truth is comparing services, prices, and modules, as well as the integration of those modules and, is really hard and really important. They are complex and all these PEOs all say they do everything. BUT THEY DO NOT – there is a giant significant difference you need to know that the direct PEO salespeople will never tell you!

    In the end, when you want to compare PEOs, it certainly is about more than just the numbers – because it hopefully becomes a marriage. But sometimes the people you want to marry look good on paper, (some PEO proposal and demo), but when you talk to friends, ex-partners and other people that married that person (PEO) then you get the full story.

    There are questions and processes you would never know unless you have been a user for a long time and/or have heard 100’s of companies that use the software about the problems (it’s always the details that matter) – what’s the good is and what the bad is.

    In the end – you narrow it down to a few PEO vendors and the tiebreaker is the intangible – not the spreadsheet. What you don’t know is what will hurt you later – software upgrades, company issues, past renewals, style, etc.

    You need someone that can make the intangible, tangible
    – you need to know what other smart employers say after they’ve made what appeared to be a reasonable decision.

    It’s important to know who is complaining about what, that’s what the reality is. Not the spreadsheets and even the great looking demos and sales pitches.

    You need some totally objective, knowledgeable, unbiased recommendations from someone that really knows what it’s like to be married to this new partner.

    You need to know the things the PEO direct reps don’t want you to know.

    We, ThePEOPeople.com make the intangible absolutely tangible and keep you informed about the most important stuff you won’t find out other places and that you need to know.

    Talk to a PEO-OLOGIST

    OR skip talking to any salesperson by selecting any PEO you’d like quotes from. Get quotes hassle-free HERE.

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